Councils, boards and committees


The Dean is the senior officer at the faculty and has the overall responsibility for the quality assurance of the faculty's study programmes. The Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences has a number of boards, councils, committees and managers who advise the Dean in connection with the work to ensure teaching, study programmes and quality of education.

Below, you can read more about some of the councils, boards and committees involved in the study programmes at School of Pharmaceutical Sciences.


To ensure the participation and involvement of students and academic staff in education and teaching, the Rector has appointed a number of study boards. Each study board consists of an equal number of representatives of the academic staff and the students.

The study boards work continuously and systematically to develop and adjust the study programmes in relation to the development in research and the labour market demands. The overall responsibility for education at the faculty lies with the study boards.

The Study Board for the Pharmaceutical Sciences (in Danish) covers Bachelor’s and Master's degree programme in Pharmacy, Master's degree program in Pharmaceutical Science and MSc in Pharmaceutical Sciences and the MSc in Medicinal Chemistry.

The Masters Study Board cover the international masters educations at Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, amongst these Master of Industrial Drug Development (MIND) and Master of Medicines Regulatory Affairs (MRA).

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences has set up a number of committees for the purpose of providing guidance and development of the faculty's PhD programs. One of these committees is the PhD study board.







In the exams in which the curriculum require external examiners, the external assessment is performed by censors appointed by the Ministry of Higher Education and Science (Ministry of Education). All the study programmes are associated with a Censor Corps chaired by an external examiner.

Each corps of external examiners has a secretariat located at one of the universities that offer the study programme (s) which the Censor Corps covers.

The pharmaceutical study programmes in Denmark (domiciled at the University of Copenhagen and at the University of Southern Denmark in Odense) have a joint external examiner corps, the Censor Corps for the Pharmaceutical Educations in Denmark.

Read more on the Censor Corp's website (DANISH).